Dinosaur Floaty - Tester Call (Re-Test)

I need intermediate testers for my Dinosaur Floaty - Crochet ePattern

I’m looking to have a total of 6 testers for this project:

  • 2 testers who will use acrylic yarn
  • 4 testers who will use plush/chenille yarn (similar to Bernat Blanket, others are okay with approval)

In your application, please indicate the type of yarn you intend to use for this plushie as well as some photos of your previous work!

If you are selected, journals are REQUIRED! Please make a note of your chosen hook size, yarn type/size, safety eye size, and any suggestions or improvements you have for the pattern. If you differ from the pattern at all, please make note of this in your journal in detail. If you changed the location of certain stitches, please write out the change. For example: (2 sc, 1 inc) x6 for row 2.

Due Date: 15 October, 2024
If you’re interested in testing this pattern, please click the pattern photo below to apply. I’m excited to see your creations and hear your feedback!
Dinosaur Floaty


I’d love to test this! I’d use Big Twist Posh (plush yarn), in teal, with a 3.5 mm hook. I can also use acrylic in red with a 3.25 mm hook if needed!


I’d love to use a cyan chenille yarn with a 5.5 mm hook :)


It is soo cutesie!! :sparkles: I just do not have enough time to test it :cry: good luck testing


Hey i tested this for you the first time around, im happy to retest for you. I hope everything is ok!

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I’d love to use Bernat blanket I have a beautiful teal green I think would look very cute, Or I can use regular acrylic based on what you need.

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I would love to test I would use 4 weight acrylic yarn

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I would love if you could restest! I’m just looking to get more detailed feedback because I don’t feel like I got enough to fix the problem with neck/head rotating the first time around.


Hi! I would love to test! I would use acrylic yarn with a 5.0mm hook, but I could use velvet yarn with a 5.0mm hook as well!

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I would like to test using blue big twist posh yarn (size 5) with a 4.5 mm hook.


I have several skeins of the bernat blanket yarn in lilac stripes. I prefer to use it with a 6.5mm hook. Currently testing a large whale pattern with it as well.


Ty for letting me test.
Only found error was on floaty rnd 13
Has (3 sc , dec ) x9 = 36
Should be (3 sc, dec ) x9 , 2 sc = 36
Otherwise pattern was easy and fast to work up.

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I’d use acrylic yarn :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: 2.5 hook

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Hi I’m so sorry, because there wasn’t a group chat for the chosen testers, I assumed I wasn’t chosen and didn’t realize until today :sob: :sob: :sweat: :sweat: I know that it is currently after the due date, and I currently do not have time to work on this, so I’m so sorry :sob: :sob: :sob: hope you had other great testers for your pattern! Once again I am so sorry :sob:

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