Do you miss fiber festivals? Make your own like I did

So because the world closed down for a while and because Florida (where I live) does not have fiber festivals even when the world is open, I decided to make my own. I get a bonus at my job each year and I knew it was really important to me to give back to my community- fiber arts community. So I had a plan. The plan was to order some yarn and crochet happiness from different small businesses- I wanted to pick a dyer and a designer that I love watching their podcast, I wanted to pick a dyer that i love their back story, I wanted to pick a shop that I love the theme on Etsy, pick a shop that is really small or I had never heard of and found at random doing a deep dive on Etsy, I wanted to pick a designer at random from my crochet Facebook groups, I wanted to order from an all natural dyer and so on. Maybe you can’t necessarily go on a shopping spree like that, I was only able to do that for the first time this year but I know others often save up for fiber festivals so it is a similar shopping event financially, but maybe you can buy a pattern from a small business and leave them a really nice note. Don’t forget to leave a great review!!


What a great idea!


That’s sweet! :star_struck:


That is a great idea. I bet it was a lot of fun picking all your things for your festival


It was soooo fun. I really recommend it if you ever have a little extra cash to blow. I mean it’s not like you’re really blowing it ya know. You get beautiful amazing things in return, but it is a lot all at once. Now I need someone to take my Etsy away though lol.