Don’t be Insensitive


So much of this.
I cannot tell you how hard I fought to hide neglect and abuse because I was told horror stories about “the childrens home with the jaggy jumpers” etc
Just try to be the kind of adult a child feels comfortable talking to in general. The world starts so mysterious and confusing for kids and they just don’t know better in most cases


Oh, those who have gone through abuse/neglect have no problem finding each other. They don’t even have to talk about it, they just know.
Kind of like two veterans who have gone through war together. They know who has gone through similar experiences, become good friends without the need to talk about their war experiences.
Children and teenagers vote with their feet, they know who the safe people are.
You’re right, you just try to be the safe space for them.
I’m so sorry you went through that, you weren’t deserving of it.
I think it curious that people don’t get around to addressing these areas until they are in their 40s-50s.

I share these things but sometimes I’m preaching to myself.


It can be so helpful to find relatablility. Because of my experiences I try to always be approachable and honest with everyone but especially young people.

Its important to me for adults to realise how children see the world and that they learn from those around them. It isn’t easy for them to know whats normal and what’s not when the troubles are from home. Nevermind being ignored when you do try to speak out and ask for help because you are a child.

Thank you, I don’t think any child is. Its tragic things keep slipping through the system and cycles perpetuate. Better mental health treatment could help a lot.

Its good to remind ourselves as well as others of little bits.


Thank you for sharing. This was a nice discussion. :heart::heart:


Oh, those who have gone through abuse/neglect have no problem finding each other. They don’t even have to talk about it, they just know.

That’s so true! I noticed a while ago all my friends have childhood trauma. All the people I feel safe around have similar experiences/trauma/conditions.