I hate it when people call crochet knit it is not.
Crochet can not be made by machines!
I love crochet because it’s all unique don’t make it feel not ?!?
Yes! That’s right! It’s not the same, since, as u said, crochet can not be produced by machines.
I don’t think people ever mean to say that crochet is not unique, most just see yarn and assume knit. Also, I think in some languages the words for knit and crochet are the same.
(talking to mothptera) agreed with everything you said, lol… for example, in chinese almost no one says the word crochet :shrug:
This may be a controversial opinion but i dont really mind, their taking interest in what you are doing plus they might just think there the same thing or are both called knitting. Plus crochet isnt any more creative then knitting is and they are both amazing creative things to do with yarn
My dad calls it knitting all the time and when he does he always gets a dirty look from me,lol
omg SAME!!! I’m not the only one!!!
Yeh it’s just pain annoying like I was watching a trifling vid and she was calling a bunch of knit things crochet
I don’t care too much it’s just flat out annoying
My family calls it knit all the time and usually it’s while I’m crocheting so I keep crocheting and just have my head down but my eyes up staring at them while I’m crocheting until they say crochet then I answer them
On Amazon they call some crochet hooks knitting hooks and I like get sooooo mad