drawing pfps/headshots! (because i’ve run out of ideas; still open)

hi!! i need something to do while i catch up on a BUNCH of lectures soooo i’m gonna draw a few headshots over the course of the next few days. it doesn’t necessarily HAVE to be used as a pfp, you can use it for whatever you want! just saying that for the sake of simplicity

just send me an image or a description (skin tone, hair type/length/color, eye color, face shape (if you have a preference), clothing, head accessories, and any other details (ex. freckles)). i’ll draw fictional/original characters too :]

think i’m only going to do 4-6 of these at most? i’m not totally sure yet lollll

only going to give two examples here but there are a few more in the “mine !” section of my art board on pinterest (linked here). do be warned that most of it is fanart :sweat_smile: sorry

okayy here goes (these are the two styles i use):

lineless; took ~3 hrs
sketchy, only flat colors; took ~1 hr

if anyone wants these two you can have them as well. i can change some of the colors if necessary; just let me know :DD

that’s all! gonna check on this later tonight and will try to get started tomorrow if anyone’s interested :+1: yippee


i’ll take the second!! these r rlly good!


These are so good! Ur rly talented!


Ooo that’s really good!!! can I send you a picture for you to draw? and either one, both are amazing <3




These are so good! I would like to message you for what I want, if you’re still accepting requests.


yeah, i am! feel free to do so :blush:


oml you’re so skilled :sob:

(how do you do line art i swear- everytime I try it comes out looking so wonky)

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RIGHT?? i gave up on doing actual lineart like 2 years ago because i could never get the line weights to look right lolll

now i just do several sketches on top of one another until i get one that looks okay, or i adjust the first sketch until it’s barely recognizable

this one’s kind of old but i think it’s a good example of the latter (since i kept adjusting stuff as i went)

yeah idrk honestly


you’re so talented!! your work is amazing, keep going, seriously!! :sparkles::revolving_hearts:


:sob: ty tho- I’m also still trying to get line weights right

(my lineart looks like a bunch of stickmen or something :’) butttttt MY MAIN PROBLEM IS WITH THE HAIR- it doesn’t even look like hair by the time I’m done :smiley:)

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