So I’ve seen people edit their pattern photos and put and little white outline around the plushie in the picture. How do you do it? It makes it look so cute!
a lot of people use canva!
Oh ok! I was using cap cut photo editor and I didn’t see it lol
If I do it (which I usually don’t!) I use procreate, ribblrs notation feature when editing a photo, or (since I’m using an apple device) the little drawing thing in photos!) canva is an okay option but definitely not as good at by-hand notation as any of the other things I’ve listed (at least in my experience! )
Ok! Thanks so much!
i have apple devices so idk if androids do this, but when i go to edit the photo i use the ‘markup’ option to doodle around it with my apple pencil :DD
i’ve seen @Bobacat123 do it a lot, i would ask her!! (sorry for the tag boba)
I just saw it randomly and decided to use it lol! I was either taking the photo or after the photo was the picture in the pattern, there is an edit button
It’s okay!!
I just use the photos app, press the edit button and then markup
I use markup in photos (I’ve started doing it now bc @Bobacat123 makes it look SO good!!)
Awwww tysm Littel <33
ofc! I need to know how you take great pics!
Idk how the photos are so good (I use a ipad ) but the background (aka my floor) is by my window so taking a photo on a sunny day is really helpful
i use ibis and just doodle around my patterns
Same, I have an android and do that
I use my Apple Pencil
I use an iPad as well , but it’s one of the really old ones, I think it’s …… 6th gen
. But for the pics on my listings I just use a phone and then email them to myself
i use procreate! on my phone and i draw w my finger