Forget cats and dogs, what’s an animal that a lot of people don’t know about that you really really like?
I for one adore water bears! They are a microscopic creature that has lots of legs, and swims around in a doggy paddle! Water bears can survive being in space, being boiled and frozen, they are said to be very alien like in their amazing versatiliry.
Although idk if they are obscure anymore, as Build a Bear has made them into a plush, as pictured here!
I like the dog breed Azawakh Thats the most obscure I can think of rn Just lookie at them in coats its like their going on an adventure!!
Ohhhh or Aardvarks!
Ok so I just learned about this a few weeks ago but I think mudskippers are really cool! They are a kind of fish that actually spends most of the time on land. They walk with their fins and they can’t breathe well underwater. Their eyesight is also much better on land than water.
They aren’t that cute but they are pretty cool!