Fees for selling bundles

Hi All, I am just wondering something. Those of you that sell bundles, does a sale happen as a single sale for the entire bundle, or does it count as a separate sale for each individual pattern within the bundle? I am just wondering, as this will make quite a difference to the fees, both on Ribblr and Stripe.

I assumed it would be a single sale, but I currently have a flash sale running, offering one of my bundles for free, and I have noticed that on my shop manager dashboard it is coming up as a separate sale for each pattern with a unique sale ID. Obviously, it doesn’t make a difference when it is free, but this would mean a lot more transaction fees on Stripe and a lot more to cover the minimum Ribblr fees if I was charging.

Thanks :slight_smile:


That’s a great question. I added the support tag because I wan’t ribblr to see this and reply.



I’m curious about this too as I plan to sell soon.


Hi there

When you sell a bundle it is sold as a product and you pay a single fee.

For example, if you sell a bundle for $20, assuming you have no $elFee points which resulted in a discount, you’ll be the default fee of 4% to Ribblr, which is just 80 cents.


Thank so much :blush:


It’s our pleasure! Bundles are still pretty new - if you run into any issues please let us know.