Floppy hat problems

I have something i made that is super floppy, is there something i can use to make it stiff?


you can starch it, that’s about it
it would have to be something like liqui-tex that doesn’t require heat. This happens if the gauge is too loose for yarn you are using, (meaning your needle was too big for the yarn and the stitch you were making) gauge swatches give you more than tension info and can predict the drape your item will have when finished.
some fiber content will produce more drape than others, learning the difference in how yarns are made and how fibers behave can prevent that in the future
unless you are meaning that it’s a stuffed toy that wont hold it’s shape. In that case you don’t have enough stuffing in it. A very narrow section like a neck on a doll can start to flop because it can’t hold enough stuffing to be stiff, in that case you can use floral wire or rolled felt.
sorry for the long response, but the question was vague


Maybe u could make a mixture of 50% water and 50% fabric stiffener and then when blocking spray that on instead of regular water. I do this with anything that I want to be a bit stiffer :relaxed: