Hey guys, I’m really sorry the Frobber pattern didn’t show up as free last Friday. I set the discount up earlier in the week and I’m guessing that Ribblr doesn’t actually allow 100% off? Or maybe they do and I messed up Either way, I’m sorry about that.
I sent the pattern out to the following people as gifts because they were actively following/commenting on the post:
Thank you. I am really sorry it wasn’t available when I said it would be. It looks like Ribblr doesn’t do 100% discounts. I should have checked sooner, but honestly I forgot. I hope you enjoy the pattern!
Yeah, I don’t know what happened. I thought I set it up so it would be 100% off on Friday during the hours I set, but it didn’t work. And I tried testing it before I made this post. Setting it to 100% off didn’t do anything, so I just set the price to 0 for now.
Thanks for doing this!! Just got it. I have done 100% off my patterns before and it’s worked fine, but just fyi the time ribblr uses is gmt so if that’s not your time zone it’s possible the hours it was free got messed up from what you intended
Yeah, idk what happened. I looked up the time difference and used a time zone calculator to figure it out, but I just think something went wrong. I tried to set the discount again before making this post and it didn’t work. I had to change the price to get it to be free.
I feel really bad that it didn’t work when I said it would. But I’m hoping that doing it this way will help make up for it.
I’m thinking I’ll end the discount around this time tomorrow just to give people time to see it and get it if they want it. I sent it to you as a gift just in case