Frustrated with a pattern not turning out right

Has anyone tried any of the African Flower crochet patterns? I found one online for a triceratops that I want to make for my niece. I’ve made all the pieces and started to sew them together. But for some reason it’s not turning out right. Has anyone been half way through a project and just wanted to give up because it wasn’t working out right? Sorry, I just need to vent as its stressing me out :see_no_evil:

I’ve included a picture of an example of one of the African Flower pieces


Story of my life. Sometimes im like, how can I be the maker of some amazing things and then make something so messed up and aim like, this should be simple. I feel like such a dummy :rofl:


ok those granny squares are absolutely gorgeous I love the colors!! but yes I have had that happen to me where I was in the middle of a huge project and I based another yarn tail to continue but I didn’t have one so o just gave up and now there’s four huge elephant legs and a trunk in my wip bin taking up space lol


Absolutely! Especially when making african flower animals. Idk if it’ll help, but I found it was a lot easier for me to slip stitch the peices together rather than sew, so when I inevitably made a mistake it was easier to back track


Why haven’t I thought of that before :joy: definitely going to try that rather than sewing together


Thanks for the replies. I’ve decided to start all over again :see_no_evil: I was 3 quarters of the way done but I just couldn’t salvage it. Hopefully round two will be better :heart:


Agreed! This is why i love the slip stitch method of seaming so much more


I’ve never tried one before, but I definitely understand what you mean! Definitely stressful trying to make something work that I don’t like and debating whether to frog it or not, good luck with your round two! :smile::crossed_fingers:

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Thanks. I think I know where I went wrong so hopefully round 2 will go more smoothly :joy:

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That’s great! Can’t wait to see the final product :smile:

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Wow those colours are gorgeous!! And your stitches look so even! I hope round two goes much smoother for you! :grin:

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Thank you :blush: it’s my first time trying anything like that so I was bound to make a few mistakes :see_no_evil:

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Oh yes! DONT GIVE UP!! There is a special group on Facebook that can and will absokutely help you get tge methods down. Ive even facetimed and zoomed with other members to discover my mistakes. We cannot produce links to other sites within this program; hiwever, here us a picture of their facebook page. It’s also free join. Just PM me after visiting there if you have any problems joining the group, I can send you an invite, I think.


Brilliant! Thanks. I’ll definitely have a look :blush:

Still in the making process. I was starting to join the pieces together and realized that I had made an entire section wrong! One of the flower motifs was supposed to be 6 petals and I had made 5 petals :see_no_evil: only realized when starting to join. I am determined to get this pattern right!! :joy:

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