So this was originally @SunshineStudio , but theirs was full real fast, so I decided for whoever wasn’t there, we could make another one! We would basically talk about makeup, crushes, clothes, etc. Comment to join!!,
um, even if i’m not technically a girl (i’m non-binary) could I join?? I like talking about clothes
can i join??
not 100% a girl but oh well (demigirl)
Could I still join?
Yes ofccc!
Are emo/ goth girlies welcome?
I’m also NB but I front with fem since I work out a lot and my binder doesn’t help with that at all- Like every other day is full body and core work outs so I rarely have time to wear it lol
ty :3
would love to join
i’d like to join
Technically, I am not a girl, BUT I do like talking abt. boys, (am GEH) makeup and clothes. Can I still join?
(BTW, I’m trans, was born a girl. So I have girly attributes? I guess?)
yes please!!!
I would love to join! I love talking abt that stuff!
!!! (also this is getting full real fast too lolsies)