Giveaway YouTube/crochet channel

Howdy guys! I’m currently at 799 subscribers on YouTube and need y’all’s advice. Once I reach 1000 subscribers I’d like to do a giveaway. I know people do gift card giveaways but was wondering if they collaborate with the company or pay for the gift card out if pocket? If anyone knows that would be great!
I’ve thought about doing a giveaway of some amigurumi I’ve made or let the winner choose something I’ve made in the past. I’m trying to keep cost down as much as possible :slight_smile: Thanks in advance!


I’m not sure about the gift card giveaway, I’ve never participated in one or held one so i don’t know how that works. I think giving away amigurumi is a great idea too, and that it’s something you made in the past. I think this is a very good idea, and congrats on almost reaching 1000 followers! I’m positive that I’m one of them, but just in case I’m not can you send the link to it or give the name of your channel?? Thanks! :blush: :blush:


Thank you for the reply! And I sure can! My channels name is DaniellesCrochetBarn. Thank you for the support on my channel as well! :smiley:


I believe it can be both? I’ve never done one but you can visit other channels also hosting the same giveaway and see what they say, or check their description, some may say it was a sponsorship from that company to host the gift card giveaway, etc as for how they got sponsored I believe the company either emailed them or the YoutTuber could have reached out, but they also could have used their own money, I think googling is the best choice


Thank you! I think I will definitely do a free amigurumi item and going to definitely research more about a gift card.

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