Graphgan help?

Can y’all share your favorite tips/videos/anything to help with figuring out graphgans, specifically the color changing part (and maybe knowing if/how many bobbins one needs)? I’m trying to do the graph part of a really amazing pattern I bought here on Ribblr but I am failing so hardcore at getting it right. It’s definitely not the pattern, something just doesn’t seem to be clicking in this hot mess brain of mine haha


A good video for color carrying

Beginner graphigan tips second link is about bobbins.

How many Bobbins to use completely depends on how detailed your design is., finished size and how many colors your using. You can do yarn carry’s but personal experience here it at times would make the tension a bit tighter but a few stitches isn’t too bad. There are pros and cons to adding more bobbins vs less. I personally clip my bobbins to my work once I’m done with the color to avoid tangling. I grab the large plastic clothes pins from a dollar store but I’ve seen many ways to make them (cardboard, plastic clothing pins, dowels , paper towel rolls)

Just a heads up too more detail can lead to more tails to weave in when your done.
Hope this helps just a bit I know this might seem scary right now but trust me if you can get the basics down it does get easier. I personally went from making basic blankets to doing these and it was overstimulating at times. Take your time to as your skill grows you will get better.


Are you struggling with the actual changing color looking messy? Are you switching to the new color before you finish the stitch? (For SC, insert hook in stitch, pull up a loop, drop first color, yarn over with new color and pull through both loops; for DC, insert hook in stitch, pull up a loop, yarn over, pull through 2 loops, drop first color, yarn over with new color, pull through remaining 2 loops)

If this isn’t what you meant, I think @CosmikEluminatedC gave you some great resources