Graphghan help

Does anyone use any helpful websites to create graphs for a graphghan? I’ve never done one before and I’m looking to create one from a picture I have but I’ve no idea where to start. Any info would be appreciated :blush:


I have a PDF file I can email to you. Just email me with subject line graphing programs and Ill send you a copy. Its called the best free & paid graphing programs, free and paid by Underground Crafter.

My crochet email is


Oh brilliant… I’ll email you now :grin: thanks

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Thanks! I’ll check it out :grin:

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I totally needed this the other day. I’m not real experienced in graphghans, but I got an idea. I had to go find my grid paper and draw it out, but I really need to check out some programs!


I believe stitchfiddle has a function that allows you to set a certain set of colors to work with, then upload a picture, and generates a grid based on those color values.


There’s a free version of stitch fiddle but if your looking for how to create different blanket or graph sizes on specific programs that I’m not sure of. I used stitch fiddle for two patterns and had to clean up the photos because there was a lot of details.
I made a R2D2 throw size and a dead pool
I have yet to weave in ends for.
I do know you need to know blanket sizes your looking for or even the size you want.
So for example if your wanting a graph to be 70x70 stitches for say a pillow cover then I’d recommend less details to start.
Here’s a utube I found for stitch fiddle


Brilliant thanks! :grin:

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