Happy New Year Guys!

I’m in Aussie so I get new year first! Plz don’t take the title as being rude by just saying guys, here in Aus everyone just calls there friends guys, whether they are male or female. Like, ‘Hey guys! Howaz ya week end?’ Back to subject, I’m starting my year jet lagged and asking for a nice leopard/snow leopard pattern. They are my fav animal and while I was in Canada I saw some in the zoo. ADORABLE! Anyway, I’m way to tired to write any inspirational stuff so I’m just sitting in bed wishing it was 14hrs into the future where I can go to bed. Also, if someone does make a snow leopard pattern, can u plz mk it w legs like this? But all 4 legs r like that?

Ty to anyone who does make the snow leopard pattern (plz gift it me) and HAPPY NEW YEARRRR (and booooo jet lag)

P.S. the next babies born in Aussie will be gen Beta
P.P.S this is my little baby, Andy. This gif perfectly sums up Andy. Looks dumb but deep down we know he’s actually rlly smart


Happy new year!! I stayed up last night til like 1 and I woke up so early so only got like 7 hours of sleep :sob:


I was so tired and jet lagged after getting off a 13 hour flight yesterday that I fell asleep at 7 and got 10 hours. I would have gottten more if the curtains more closed properly. Happy New year!


Happy new year!!

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