What kind of hardware do people use for their keychains. I ordered some and they look so small to me. They have little clips. Did I buy the wrong ones?
Idk how those work but im guessing you open the little hole
with pliers and then put them on your thing i normally get ones like these https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HPB1S42/ref=twister_B09L1J4Y5P?_encoding=UTF8&th=1 its prob my location but they take around a month to get to me
Cool! Thank you!
Personally I really like those since I crochet around them and then I know it’s super sturdy compared to a jump ring
I tried to explain it in this post: Venting about key chain patterns - #15 by WolfKvB also idk if it links to specific message but if it does, a few messages up in that same post there’s a picture of how it looks
Also I know a lot of people generally use the typical round circle keychain with chain attached and then jump rings
I’ll try find a picture but I also prefer the clasps like on your pictures because of easy placement and replacement of keychain
These ones:
They are just so tiny it seems!
I prefer this compared to a jump ring also
I really like these ones off Amazon
I love these