Help me decide please šŸ˜­

So Iā€™ve always wanted to try tapestry and I chose a chart to start with but I didnā€™t want it to be pixelated so I made its size bigger and when I finished it I couldnā€™t hang it on the wall so I thought about turning it into a bag since itā€™s pretty big (27cmƗ36.5cm) and I made the back so I can turn it into a bag, BUT now idk why I donā€™t feel it looks even good enough. I thought the colours are nice but after I finished the charts and started finishing the bag I just started to feel it doesnā€™t look rlly good (my mum is the only one who tells me itā€™s good but I just donā€™t know tbh). I keep thinking of just ruining it (idk what itā€™s called :sob:) like Rework it again or smt and do a granny square tote bag instead but Iā€™m afraid I might regret it :face_holding_back_tears: PLEASE HELPPP

The progress so far

The tote bag Iā€™d do (pic from Pinterest)

  • Keep going
  • Tote bag :raised_hand:t2:
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Btw I was running out of white and had many brown so I made the cat white and the background brown which makes it a little extra ā€œEwā€ :skull::broken_heart:


OMG I HAVE A LOT OF GRIDS WAIT LEMME SHOW YOU THEM , you can choose whichever one you want


But like you should keep going and whichever grid you like that I just sent you can practice tapestry with them and maybe you would feel more confident


Iā€™m keeping that goose one. :rofl:


I love love the kitty bagā€‹:pleading_face:! Your mom is right, it looks so amazing, and adorable :scream::heartpulse:!!


omg that looks amazing!! definitely keep going! <3 also would you happen to have the graph you used for it? :>


Keep going!!! Itā€™s so cute!!!


Tysm!! Also yeah I have it but I edited it a bit because I wanted the eyes to be symmetrical and the body to be fixed a bit after I turned it into graph , and I added more details like the heart


KEEP GOING!:facepunch:t2: It looks AWESOMEEE! I think itā€™s RLLY RLLY cute and you HAVE to keep going! (Now, song lyrics: NEVER GIVE UP, NANANANA! NEVER GIVE UP NANANA!:rofl:) Thatā€™s all from me. ITā€™S AMAZIIING!šŸ©µ


Its so cute! your moms so right!!! Pls keep going I need to see the results!!!

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Personally I love it??? The catā€™s so cute

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