Help me find a design to create a memorial Stafford dog plushy

Hi guys, it’s my first time posting, but I’m really in need of some pattern idea’s!

Here is the situation: my sister’s dog will be put to sleep in a few days, and we’re a little scared that her kids (4 & 2) will miss him terrible. I’ve once gotten a plushy that looked like my dog, and I still have it, and it helped me really hard to deal with his loss… So my sister asked if I could make a plushy that looked like this dog for her kids.

He’s an American Staffordshire with pretty black/brown colours. We found the perfect color of yarn, but it’s a really fine yarn, so not sure if that’s gonna make a difference in pattern…

I really want to make it as perfect as could be, because loosing a pet as a child can be so hard, and I really wish to help the kids as much as I can…

Pattern can be paid, pdf, video, doesn’t matter! It can be in UK, US, or Dutch, maybe even another if I can Google translate it. Anyone has any ideas ?

Thank you so much for the help.

X Elien



I saw the first one yesterday, but I’m not sure because the finished products of reviewers look so different… The third one is really cute, but not a AmStaff, I am checking out the second one! Thanks for the help!