So someone ordered this bunny from me amd I’m not sure if I like the nose… any suggestions?
I like it! It’s so cute
It’s so cute
Okay! Thanks
i think it’s adorable, but if you don’t like it, you could always go over it a few more times until you like it
It looks good! You should keep it as it is!
maybey try making it a T or V shape ?
Maybe for the noose Add wool
Ooo im gonna try a T tysm!
You could make the nose triangular instead! An upside down triangle is the basic shape of a bunny’s nose so it will look more natural it looks beautiful by the way! You did an awesome job
The nose is so cute! You odnt have to change it! <3
Thank u! Yeah I tried a triangle but it didn’t rly work…(I suck at embroidery) but thanks anyway!
Thank you! I think I’ll keep it the same then sense everyone likes it
i think it looks perfect!! :]
I like it! It’s a super cute bunny
The bunny looks awesome! Whatever you do I think the person your giving it to will love it!! I usually do a triangle with the tip down.
I think you should do a V shape it’s really easy to do. (I suck at embroidery too) but still looks great anyhow!
i usually put the nose directly in-between the eyes and i also give it the little line under too. but it looks cute :) like this (dont mind the dots
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So cute