Help with eyes

Hey guys! I need help… are the eyes on the dark horse in the same spot as the chestnut(light brown/red one)? I think they are… but I can’t tell. I wish I counted the stitches between the eyes (and row) of the finished one before I embroidered it, but I didn’t :sob: idk if anyone can count them somehow, please just tell me if there’s a collective decision that they are in the same spot or not. I don’t want to put the fasteners in and stuff/finish the darker horse before I know that they are good :heart_hands::sweat_smile:


I think it looks like they are in the same spot. :smiling_face:


Yo. You got the pattern link? If there is one ofc


I think they are in the same spot :))


I think same spot.

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Yep! Here’s the YouTube links: first the head: and the ears, mane, and details: I’m thinking about making a pattern using some of the stuff from the video but altering it a bit because the horses head video is a bit confusing (there’s a comment on it that explains how to do it right). What do you think… should I make a written pattern? I’d probably make it free(cuz I’m kinda stealing the pattern) and I’d make sure to say it’s not a completely original pattern and credit the original person… but I think a written one would be nice :))

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Okay guys… I know yall said it looked fine, but I adjusted them a lil bit. I think they look a lil bit better now. Thanks for helping though!

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Yea! I personally find YT tuts hard to follow along with.

Cool! I’ll try to start working on it then! Adding extra things like face embroidering too :))

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