Good afternoon all. I have been making Hexi cardigans lately. I find them simple and fun. Is there a way to make the cardi by not doing the traditional granny square stitch? Would HDC work?
Thank you.
Anything that has a granny square/whatever shape as it’s foundation, will work with any other granny square of the same size
There is no reason you can’t make a granny square with HDC as opposed to (US) DC. It would just look different which might affect how you design using it
I’m looking for more of a closed stitch. More for warmth.
There are dozens of ways to play with the basic granny stitch, you just need to look it up and play with them to see what you like then get it your gauge and go from there
I just looked up hexi cardi and saw that it is not a granny square, only a basic 3x1 granny stitch
Make and do crew has a couple of hexi cardigan patterns if you’re looking for examples. From what I remember, they don’t really use the granny square stitch on any except for one or two
Hdc will be fine. I’ve made granny squares in hdc… the only difference is the size of the square (maybe add a row or 2 if you’re following a specific pattern measurement)… another solution to making more of a closed stitch is to go down a hook size or 2 (just keep an eye on measurements)
I will look. Thank you.
I will try and do that. That does make sense. Thank you.
Are you looking at the traditional granny stitch but using smaller stitches or to change to a solid granny square with a cosy stitch?
I think they are trying to do this with smaller holes. I suggest looking up different types of granny stitch but keeping the same gauge to not have to alter the pattern they already use. Using a smaller hook or or smalker stitch (hdc vs dc) will affect the stitch and row count of the pattern. Playing with different ways to use granny stitches can keep the same gauge but close the holes
Just keep in mind, less holes equals a stiffer fabric and it will loose the drape and start to feel more like being wraped in an afghan