Hey everyone

Trying to publish my first paid pattern but even though my settings say I’m from the UK and my currency says GBP, it will only let me publish in dollars. How do I fix this?

I don’t think there’s a way. You can change the currency you display in when buying, but the currency on your shop stays USD. I’m from Canada and at first this was so confusing to me :sweat_smile:

Unless there’s a way I haven’t found yet I’d definitely like to know :face_with_monocle:


Thank you! So I should just go ahead and publish in dollars?

Just remember to convert the currency to make sure you don’t lose money :blush:


Thank you! Could you check for me if you have a second? I set it to $5.50 which should be £4.50? I can’t see haha

I’m in the US so it shows up as $5.50 for me, not that that helps you

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Shows up at 7.51 CAD which is roughly 4.50 :slight_smile:


We currently support 5 currencies for both buyers and sellers. You can change it on your shop manager when you connect Stripe.
You can set and publish your patterns in:

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Thank you!

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What is this wizardry I don’t see any options in my shop manager :open_mouth:

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I think they are saying that it’s in your stripe account and not your shop… Maybe the stripe dashboard in your shop manager?


Oh yes! My stripe is all in CAD though, yet my user interface for my shop all displays in USD :sweat_smile:


It’s in your shop manger at the point of connecting to Stripe, when you set up a new shop we ask you for your preferred shop currency, meaning which currency you with to use as shop owner and list your patterns in.
Buyers will see your listings in their preferred currency regardless.

If you already set up your shop in the wrong currency and wish to change it please message us :wave: