Hey guys boyfriend questions?

So, i have a broccoli headed bf (means he has poofy hair) and i was wondering what are some advice you can give to kind of help me out with this. I havent had a bf in like, 2 yrs. :sweat_smile:


Sorry I have no idea :woman_shrugging:


fr I have no idea, I only have imaginary boyfriends which makes me sounds like a weirdo so imma stop talking, okay yeah no bye heha heha :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


no idea
never had a crush, and def not boyfriend


Help out with the bf or the hair :skull: The hair i would sayā€¦ conditioner? idk i only know how to take care of curls
the bf, i have no clue, i only date girls :joy:


oh my gosh- thatā€™s the realist question I ever saw, mind blowingā€¦I didnā€™t even consider the hair :skull: :skull:


the only boyfried i ever had was so egotistical so i broke up with him after two days. anyway.
just be yourself!! maybe you could crochet him something as a ā€œhey this is random but ilyā€ <33


ahaha gurl i seriously have no clue for either :skull::fist:

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i donā€™t have any, and i only ever have crushes on straight girls, js my luck :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:


Naurr i love his hair!!! Its so curly/poofy! He black soā€¦ but hes just the best. I love him. And one of my friends, whos alsl one of my good friends was talking with him during school and he recorded a video of him (my bf) saying he thinks im pretfy and that he loves me!!!



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awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thatā€™s is so cute! :sob: :hearts: yā€™all are making me jealous with your love lives and making me wish I was allowed to date :sob: :sob: :sob:


same. boys arent worth it yet when ur my age


Dating someoneā€™s just test to see if that you are willing to marry them right. So just treat them like you would treat your significant other. Thatā€™s all the advice I can give you Iā€™m not even sure if itā€™s good. :sweat_smile:


Communication is KEY!!! If thereā€™s an issue going on, avoid not talking to each other or telling each other about your feelings. Dont do things you arenā€™t ready for, in any way, or form. Be open and honest about things you feel is necessary. And if you donā€™t feel like itā€™s working, donā€™t hold back on calling it quits or talking to him about it either. Hope this helps a little!

I havenā€™t had a bf in 7 yrs.

I luv him so much. He likes to take it slow, so he builds trust, so im going off what he wants.

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tell him to use a lot of conditioner to tame that thang
thats what i do cuz my hairs crazy puffy if i dont lol!

but girl! i realationship is a 2 way street if you follow what he wants heā€™ll end up taking advantage of you and thats a fact love ya tho girl and i only say this cause i dont want to see you hurt at all.

Ty for the advice!

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