how do i go about sewing differently coloured pieces together?

so… i’m currently finishing up crocheting an amigurumi otter (it’s a free pattern from northern lakes crocheterie if anyone is interested <3) and i’m at the point in my project where i’m met with my enemy… SEWING :japanese_ogre:

the problem here is it’s my first time sewing together differently coloured pieces. the otter’s head is white and i have two pink ears to sew onto it. ~picture below for reference~

HOW?? DO I DO THIS??? normally when i’m sewing pieces together i just wing it, but that’s not gonna fly this time (avian pun intended) because i have no clue where to even start in terms of sewing this together seamlessly. should i be sewing with pink yarn or white yarn? how do i make it so that yarn i’m sewing with doesn’t end up in places it doesn’t belong? (e.g. if i’m sewing with pink yarn i don’t want my stitches to show on the head, i want the colours to stay as separate as possible) is there a certain technique i should use? help!!!

feel free to explain it to me like i’m five, because when it comes to sewing i am actually a newborn :baby:


Okay to sew the pink ear to the head. I figure you fastened off in the pink so what youre gonna do is each time you go into a stitch you go under the white stitch on the head! Come out and insert back into the ear and repeat until the ear is sewn down.

Sewing a different color detail to a different color body etc is gonna be cleanest when its hidden under the stitch of what your sewing the "detail " to. Hope this makes sense! Happy to help


Just sew on how you normally would then when going through stitches ti secure it make sure your only doing it on the body <3


I would sew with pink yarn. Did the pattern call for you to leave a tail on the ears for sewing?
If not that’s weird. Are you happy with the placement of the ears?
I would sew through twice once one way and go back so it’s more secure. Meaning go under stitches in the head and through the ear kinda like a whip stitch of that make sense


Oh, I just use the different colored yarn :person_facepalming:


you could also get a fabric glue and stick them on (: i usually pin in place while the glue dried so it doesn’t fall off


Its not necessary! Now you can use either one! I use to have to change it but now i do it this way under the stitch


Oh, I need to try that!


I’m a seamstress and luckily crochet sewing is much simpler than fabric sewing. Let me start by saying your life will be a million times easier if you have pins to hold it in the place you want the whole time. What I usually do is use the yarn from the appendage I’m attaching, the pink in your case. Going from the bottom of the ear find a white stitch or loop close to the ear base and then put your hook behind it so the stitch your actually going through is the one right underneath the ear. Go through the stitch and out of it as close to the back of the ear as possible and pull a little tight. Then continue like that all the way down the ear.
I find sewing directly under the piece instead of next to it create much cleaner lines when attatching different colors to each other. I hope this helped at least a bit!


Hi! not sure if you still ned help but normally when I sew pieces on with different colors I go into the main piece like I would anyways but then sew through the back loop on all of the final stitches of the ear. Hope this helps!


Did the pattern say leave a long tail for sewing?

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Occasionally, I’ll just cheat and sew with fishing line. It’s sturdy and clear, so there aren’t any blending issues.


so many people responded oh my goodness?? thank you so much everyone for your responses!!! i really appreciate your help and kindness!! mwah mwah :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: i feel a lot better now, it definitely seems less complicated than my brain was fearing it’d be :sweat_smile: thank you all for your explanations and advice! people like you are why i love the ribblr community <3


yep! i’ve already fastened off and left a slightly too generous tail lol


Yes, my amigurumi came out better when I seared directly under the piece as tightly as I could.

By the way, @Yarnhoarder44 I’ve yet to meet a pin that kept the pieces from falling out. What’s your secret??

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