How many of you dual wield?

To clarify, how many of you can easily knit and crochet and switch between the two without much lag? I am thinking of a mixed craft project, but I don’t want to alienate too many people with this project.

  • I can dual wield!
  • Just knitting for me
  • Just crochet for me
  • Neither
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I can dual wield :grin: A mixed craft project sounds fun! But I can understand that not everyone knows how to knit/crochet perhaps an option to have a knit only version and crochet only version could be an option depending on what it may be


Dual wielder here, and that sounds like a blast to me!


I desperately want to leqrn how to knit but i have given up each time


I’m still in the process of teaching myself to knit.


I might do this actually. Have a fully knit, fully crochet, and a bit of both pattern as a pattern batch where you can buy as a batch* or just pick the one that you’re comfy with :thinking:


It’s so hard at first… and so boring :skull:
It gets waaaay easier once you get the basics down though. I like fiber spider on YouTube for learning new techniques

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It took me almost 10 years until I got around to actually knowing how to knit. My mom knit, but the yarn she had was that crappy scratchy acrylic that shed everywhere. I finally found a really good soft yarn and just went to town with the garter stitch and made a long scarf that I have no idea where it even is.
And then another 3-5 years after that before I had the tools of my own…
The invention of the internet definitely helped me to be able to get better at both knitting and crochet


I have knitting needles a full set if bamboo and a full set of aluminum. Just get frustrated because the other hskf interrupts me and I just want to grrrrrr do I put it down count to 10 and try again only to become more frustrated because I lost my rhythm


Oh no! I definitely get that. I have a 3yo and a 19mo who demand my attention at all times. I seriously lucked out because they love my blankets and will actively behave (to the best of their abilities) if I’m making a blanket for them (my 3yo doesn’t let a “Nyam” go unkissed once he sees that I’m yarnbending)
My spouse on the other hand… :rofl:
My spouse is actually pretty good about not interrupting, but early on I had to have a chat with him about this being my job and even though my time is a little more flexible than a 9-5, it’s still important that I be allowed to yarnbend without serious interference.
It worked out.
Here’s hoping you can get some time to learn :crossed_fingers:

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