How’s everyone *really* doing?

OMG FR :astonished: :scream: :astonished: :scream: :astonished: :scream: :astonished: :scream: :astonished: :scream: :astonished: :scream: :astonished: :scream: :astonished: :scream: :astonished: :scream: :astonished: :scream: :astonished: :scream: :astonished: :scream: thank u


Cheb :sob:
I know exactly how you feel! My mom does the exact same thing with my little brother and Ik it really does hurt. I don’t know you that well and Ik we’ve only talked a few times in the ribblr chat but from what I can see you’ve just crocheted, you’re so talented!! So I can totally tell you’re so accomplished irl, I’m proud of you and you’re doing amazing work! Keep it up, cheb!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻:heart:


Thank you so much :sparkles: yes it is unfortunate but i guess it will always happen on social platforms. A break definitely will help :slight_smile: You are extremely kind :white_heart:


Yes of course!! Thank you so much for adding tags, I wasn’t sure which ones there were for this topic!!! :smiling_face:


Aww yay!! Happy birthday! :partying_face::kissing_heart::blush:


But its worse bc hes older too :skull::skull::skull: by 2 years
And thank you that means a lot 🩷


Oh my gosh!! That’s such an incredible accomplishment! I’m sorry that I will be of no help bc I have no involvement in tae kwon do and have no idea what I’m talking abt when it comes to that lol
Ik you will do absolutely amazing though!! GOOD LUCK :four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers:t2::star_struck::heart:


Not too swell if im being honest. Ive said this on another post, but ive had multiple of my birds die this year within only 2 months and im just starting to feel the effects of it hit. Ive been shoving most of my emotions down for the past 4 years and its all starting to bubble to the surface. And, earlier last year i had befriended (and wound up somewhat dating) this 16 yesr old cause i am/was a super friendly person and they eidnt have many friends. So, fast fowards to earlier this year (i was just 13 at this point) my mom searched up their phone number (over-protective parents :sparkles:) and they were 27. So my mom makes me blocj the number and stuff. I cant believe i was that stupid yk? i tend to deflect and i rather talk about others and try to help them, since most of their problems are alot worse than mine, or that i get too uncomfortable talking about myself since ive mostly been told its selfish. Sorry for how long this is i just needed to get this off my chest…


Yay! I’m so glad you’ve had good experiences in this community so far! I’m also a bit new :))

It’s awesome that you have more free time, hopefully you can find more things you love to do!


that is so true. Yesterday my mom texted us a list of jobs. I did ten and my brother did none. Then when my mom got home she walked into my room and was super mad because there were a few things on the floor. When I asked how many jobs my brother did my mom interrupted me and said don’t worry about it. (Also my brother smiles when he hurts people and hates my dad for some reason)

Sorry for the rambling I kind of needed to vent a bit


I’m doing ok,… I keep getting stressed out and panicking… maybe I’m not doing as good as I think I am, idk even the summer is still stressful


(this is really long, I’m so sorry lol)
I am so deeply sorry for your losses, clouds! Losing a pet is one of the worst experiences. I went through the same thing you’re now when my dogs had to be put down. At first, I didn’t feel much and then when it finally hit me, I hid it all away from everyone. I think we’re a lot alike in the way we handle our feelings, I don’t talk abt mine at all either. It makes me uncomfortable too! But that’s fine, you don’t need to share your feelings with other people. Just pls don’t bury them and pretend you don’t feel that way. You can let it out whenever you’re alone. And I don’t know if you believe in God or in anything else but what helps me is praying. I promise I’m not trying to force it on you. But it does help and feels so good in knowing there’s someone who you can talk to at any time and He will always listen.

About the guy you talked to - it’s not your fault!! Sometimes people are just manipulative and we don’t realize it. People can come for us when we’re at our lowest or most vulnerable and make us believe things. I don’t have many friends either so I try to make online friends, it probably would’ve happened to me a few years ago too. Please don’t blame yourself for smth that wasn’t your fault in the slightest!! :two_hearts:🫶🏻:smiling_face:


That’s perfectly understandable! Just bc it’s summer doesn’t mean everything is suddenly going to be ok again and you won’t be stressed. Sadly, that’s just not how it works. I really hope that your stress goes away though and that you have an amazing summer!!! :two_hearts:🫶🏻


Oof, if we’re reeeaallly being honest, life has been pretty sucky lately. I feel undervalued and definitely underpaid at my job, and the money situation is making a rough mental health one worse :sweat::sweat:


Thank you! I struggle with anxiety and depression so somedays are bad and hard for me but I’m glad im still here and able to meet so many great people


Awh I’m so sorry! That’s understandable though. I don’t know if you believe in God but I’ll be praying for your situation and that either you find a new amazing job where you’re paid what you deserve or that your job gives you a raise! I’ll also pray for your mental health bc that is a very large issue and from personal experience, not fun at all! 🫶🏻:heart:


Of course! I struggle with anxiety too so I know how it is :))


I’m doing pretty good. Everything has been better recently and I’m grateful to God for growing my relationship with him! I started journaling again which I think will help me not bottle up my emotions until an episode again. I will be praying for all of you, and I pray that whatever stresses or problems are going on in your life that God would give you peace, joy, and hope. :two_hearts:


my grandma died 1 year ago today :cry: i miss her a lot


I’m tired… But as always, hanging in… Leaning on God’s strength…