Beans of ribblr,
I need help with another market thing
How do you price your amigurumi
I really don’t want to price it too high but I don’t want to undersell myself either 
The chickens in the photo above aren’t the exact ones I’m selling they are just a different color
Thanks for your help again
They all very but they all take less than an hour
Okay, (these are based off the pricing I usually use)
Chickens: $5-8
Gummy bear: $8-12
Octo: $8-12
Bunnies: $8-12
Depending on how long and how much yarn they take
Ok thank you this will help a lot
It’s hard to tell how big those things are and how much yarn, time, and effort they took. Also is your market small? Mostly kids with no money? I would say that most things should be $5, $6, $8 dollars since those things you made look really small, but it’s really hard to tell.
Rule is cost of yarn at retail price + hourly wage+ overhead ( many people add 2-3 $ for space rents, bags, tags, processing fees, and so on) = price. Then you get a little more if you yarn shop well and if you keep your costs low. Also add shipping cost if you’re mailing.
I would answer the same for everyone. If you are very good at what you do, charge more per hour. If you are making art quality charge much more per hour.
I usually price mine based on material cost and hourly wage. Where I live, minimum wage is $20 so my hourly wage for crocheting would be $20. So something that takes an hour would be $20 and 30min would be $10 and so on for hourly wage. Then you just add the material cost to that. Sorry if that’s a bit confusing 
Hope this helps and good luck with your market!! 
ok thanks everyone i ended up selling 5 thing as the market was really small and the boths around me didnt sell that much either
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