How to sell crochet plushies in cash?

Hey guys !
I am having a problem selling my crochet plushies in person with people and online… I don’t know how to do that I’m only 14 :sob:. So if you guys have any opinions that would be amazing!! I can’t take credit cards cause I don’t have any or Apple Pay to get the money so I can only do cash . :star_struck: thank you !! :blush:


i also sell in person, and here’s how I do it. i take pictures whenever i finish a project, and i crochet literally everywhere. the library, doctor’s office, school, work, you name it. pretty often someone will come up and ask me what im making. so i tell them and show them pictures of other stuff i made. a lot of times, they ask me if i can make them something. if they agree to pay for said item, then i have an order!


Ooo ok I can try that thx


Sign up for farmers markets and fairs, a lot of people are scared to do markets but they are really fun and less stressful than you would imagine.


We have a lot of guests come over :sob: but my mum likes to show off my crochet and then sometimes they’ll place an order! Also markets are great I agree w/ @TheForestFrog they are so not stressful, you just lay out all your items, people come over and look, you have to be friendly then they buy something potentially (most likely hehe), then you put them money in a cash box! Another way you can make money is if you’re parents receive the money via venmo or pay pal etc then they give you the money in cash!


Yes I recommend having venmo or using a parent’s since a lot of people won’t have cash.


Thank you I will definitely try those out :grin: