How's everyone doing?

Hi everyone! I just wanted to come on here and ask how everyone’s doing. It’s testing season, which is a stressful time for lot’s of people, but we’re also finally getting out of the darker months, which is a relief for a lot of us :blush:
I’m usually really quiet about my mental health because it’s pretty stigmatized where I live. So, in the name of progress, I’m doing this REALLY scary thing and saying I’m 1 year clean today. It’s so difficult, but entirely worth it. Sometimes it feels like the world’s ending, and other time’s I couldn’t care less for the state of the world :woman_shrugging: Whatever happens, the word never ends and we’re all as okay as we can be.
Anyway, thanks for reading this really disorganized post. Here’s a cookie :cookie: How are you?


I’m okay, better than worse than better again lmao. In the past month, I have lost my great grandfather who I was very close too, to cancer. A couple days ago (on the 14) I lost one of two of my closest friends, Monday I lost my other close friend for not opening up about my feelings because I have trust issues. They are spreading rumors about me, (drama fun…) and my anxiety has been bad. I might be changing some of my classes on my schedule so I have none with them which I hope will help. I’m also trying so hard not to relapse after relapsing (again) a couple days ago. Also congrats! That’s a huge thing to do!


Congrats on a year clean!!
That’s such a huge accomplishment​:tada::tada:
Good luck on the years to come, you got this!!!<3


Im so sorry that you lost someone this month. And I can’t imagine that on top of friend drama, but I’m glad you’re taking some steps back from them if they don’t improve your life anymore. and I am so proud you’re trying to stay clean. you can do it, I promise. It’s insanely hard, but it’s so worth it :heart_decoration::cookie:Stay safe bestie


Aw thank you so much bestie!! <33


Alright, my cat goose has been learning to breathe fire, I’m not sure if I should encourage or try to get him to not, on one side, having a fire breathing cat would be sick, but on the other hand I don’t want him to burn down my house.


Fire breathing cats are not always a great idea, but It could be nice :joy:


Congratulations on 1 year of being clean! :clap: I’m doing pretty good emotionally. The past month has definitely been hard for me. Winter can be so hard on your mental health. I just recently went through a period where I lost all faith and confidence in myself. It was a dark time.


congratsss!! thats such a big accomplishment! we’re so proud of you <33


Thanks so much! I agree, winter can be tough. I’m so sorry you recently went through that, but glad you’re feeling better emotionally :blush: You’re doing great!!


Thank youuu!! <33 that means a lot :heart_decoration:


WOAH CONGRATSSSS!! That’s an amazing accomplishment, you should be so proud of yourself bc ik I am <3
You get a cookie this time :cookie:

Also thank you for asking, I’m meh like always lol


See, should’ve named him Arson…


Congratulations!! :tada: That’s a huge accomplishment and I hope you are so so proud of yourself!!!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congrats this is a huge milestone and i Hope the years ahead are even better! (:
Feel better soon!! here’s a cookie :cookie: (and a cream puff)


Omg Kenzie ur so nice :sob:Thanks bestiee
I hope ur week goes from meh to AMAZING, bc u deserve it :sparkles::heart_decoration:

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Thank youu!! :cookie::blush:you people are making my day :joy:

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Thank you!! and thanks for the cream puff! :joy::heart_decoration:


:0 CONGRATSSSSSS!!! :tada: You’re giving away all your cookies >:(

I’ve actually been doing a lot better recently :grinning: (that is until next winter again, ofc)


Thank you!! Don’t worry, I made more :cookie::cookie:
Ik winter can be awfulllll , so I’m so glad you’ve been doing better!

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