I cant't buy a new pattern

By CrochetCraftsByJenna

Sitting dragon pattern

I have been trying to buy this pattern for about two days. I am from the netherlands and refuse to use a credit card, but ideal payment isnā€™t possibleā€¦sadly. I have been trying using apple pay, which has worked for two different patterns before, but this time it keeps saying that the payment is refused. I was hoping someone could maybe help me. @Ribblr


Yeah I come across the same issue sometimes (also Dutch), for some shops it worked after adjusting some settings for your card, let me just continue in Dutch to make it a little easier

Oke so je kan soms bij je bank app ergens aangeven voor in welke landen je pas kan betalen. Volgens mij staat het standaard een beetje voor alleen Europa maar je kan het ergens aanpassen, weet alleen niet uit mijn hoofd waar en verschilt per bank. Dus als je bijvoorbeeld uit een Amerikaanse shop iets wilt halen maar je pas instellingen staan op alleen in Europa betalen, dan werkt het natuurlijk niet.

Dit heeft mij voor een paar shops geholpen door de betalingen in te stellen voor overal, maar nog steeds glitcht het een beetje soms, kan ook te maken hebben omdat het vaak om kleine random bedragen gaat die je bank misschien als suspicious kan zien


Oh gewoon om toe te voegen, ik gebruik ook ideal card via apple pay, maar dus voor die ideal kaart instellingen checken dat die buiten Europa dingen kan betalen


Heel erg bedankt!!! ik ben aan het checken of ik de instellingen kan veranderen :wink:



Even when changing the options to payment outside the EU, i sadly still get refused. Are there any other possible reasons why apple pay gets refused?


Ahh sorry then I got no clue, good luck though, hopefully something else can make it work


Hey @Muffinsworld so this is likely an issue with your bank. Let me explain :slight_smile:
The way Ribblr is set up for sellers is that you buy directly from them. Some banks may reject small transactions from foreign small merchant. Itā€™s rarely the case, but it does happen.

Whoever issued your payment method is the one to say why it was rejected.

Alternatively, if you canā€™t get through to checkout at all, thatā€™s an issue with the seller account and you should reach out to our team to solve it for you!

Lastly, regarding iDEAL - itā€™s a bit tricky. Essentially currently the designer would have to enable it as it incurs a different fee compared to debit/credit cards.
I do know most people in Netherlands use iDEAL and not credit/debit, and that it makes it slightly difficult for you when trying to purchase on international platforms.

Hope that helps!


Thank you so much for the explanation!


Yes, thank you! Iā€™m going to bookmark this so we I have an explanation when members ask.


Thanks for explaining all that, Iā€™m still a little curious about this part, how would a designer enable it? Like I wanna be sure they could buy from my shop, but I think that might already automatically work since I also got ideal? But honestly Iā€™m not 100% sure how all that works so thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking :grin:

Like is it a thing inside ribblr or outside? If bank stuff you donā€™t have to go through explaining all lol


Jumping in to help here!

Designers would have to enable it via Stripe. :blush:


Thank you :purple_heart: