I dont know what I did

I was on my chromebook last night when I clicked a button near where the chats pop up. One was a computer one was a phone. Now my ribblr on my chromebook is functioning like my phone does but I am on my chromebook. How do I revert back to normal? I have already tried to see if settings had it


I dunno, my ipad’s doing it too.


Do you have a keybored icon next to the phone one? If so try clicking that.

The icons disappeared

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Okay I just clicked the phone icon button and tried to get it back to a computer View. If you go to the bottom of where all the chats and stuff are to the very bottom of that page. There will be a little computer button. You can click that and it should go back to normal.

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I dont see a computer button

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Log out and log back in maybe?

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It should look like this


TYSM!!! I am back to normal now >;3


Hapoy I could help