I have something to share with you guys…
I’m bisexual!
That’s all, I’ve only told a couple of people but, I wanted to tell all of you guys because you are always so sweet and supportive.
Im bi too! Welcomes :3
congrats! never be afraid to be who you are :)
Awesome! Glad you feel comfortable sharing!
good job sharing something so personal, but it may be better if u post it in a group chat so that nobody is offensive to you!!!
OMG that awesome sporky!!!
if anyone is offensive you can bet they’ll be flagged seconds after they post (by me )
yassssssssssssssssssssssssss, but this should be saved for chats, jus saying
I will flag them too
Good for you! I’m personally straight but we are all different!
yayyy!!! nice!! Congrats on comeing out ik that csn be hard good job!!<333
Good! Feeling glad you shared it with us
Congrats! You’re so strong for sharing this with us! Welcome to the community
Congrats on sharing, glad u’re feeling comforatble sharing that :D
That’s really good for you! When I thought I was gay I only told my girlfriend and was scared to tell my mom but she already knew and didn’t get mad like I thought she would also now I’m straight but I use the she/they pronouns and still support lgbtq+
Congrats on coming out and welcome to the community!
Always be true to yourself. People who judge you for that were never meant to be a part of your long term plan.
Remember people will be a part of your life for a reason a season or a lifetime.
Noice! I’m bi too hehe. not told anybody yet tho