Let me know if you guys need any shop banners or profile pics designed, the designs I will be doing for you are NOT clip art they are original artwork!! I’m willing to do it for a paid pattern from your shop or a custom pattern! Since kiwicrochets, stellachrochets, and scarizard , and kobra rain were some of the first people who wanted one there’s will be free as promised! If you want one comment a emoji so I know you read everything
the drawings I do for this are NOT clip art they are my original artwork so anything I design will be unique I’m willing to do it for a paid pattern from your shop or a custom pattern! Since kiwicrochets, stellachrochets, and scarizard , and kobra rain were some of the first people who wanted one there’s will be free as promised! If you want one comment a emoji so I know you read everything
Can I PLEEEEASE get a banner for my shop?
I would like a bee made of yarn crocheting a new friend which is a frog. Apart from that, I’ll leave it to your imagination