I need to know what Amigurumi sells best at markets!

Hey guys! I am new to crochet and I LOVE crocheting amigurumi. Do you guys know what tends to sell best at markets? I plan to go to a farmers market with some plushies and plan on some ghosts, frogs, bees, whales, and octopuses, along with miscellaneous items I crocheted. Anyone know what to crochet? I want to make keychains but I want to know what sells. Thanks! :heart:


Some of the things you already mentioned are great! I always like to include sea turtles, axolotls, and dinosaurs (specifically T-Rex and Triceratops) to my inventory as well. Although I know what sells depends on your location to some degree.


mushrooms and chickens! I make small ones and sell them for 4-8$ depending on how large they are and they sell so well