I want to make a group for swifty crocheters!

Hay I want to make a group for all swifty crocheters! To be invited you must tell me a fact about yourself, 2 facts about Taylor swift (that no one else has mentioned) and why you love tay tay!:two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:


My fact: I’m obsessed with Disney.

Two facts on Taylor Swift: her full name is Taylor Alison Swift, and uhhhhh…she was born on 12/13/1989 and turned 13 on Friday the 13th, which is why her lucky number is 13.

I like Taylor because she’s really nice to her fans and she seems really nice in general. I also really like her music! I’m not gonna lie, I haven’t been a Swiftie for a long time, and I only started because some of my friends kept telling me to listen to her more. I have liked her since I was six though!


@anon35436250 @peachyxtulips

My Swiftie/Ribblr buddies. :blush:


fact about me: i have a highlighters collection- i have (almost) all of the pastel stabilo boss, so its not that big (thats very random hehe) :pencil2: :sparkles:
facts about taylor: she has 3 cats, and this year she won time’s magazzine “person of the year”, so one of them was in the photo with her :smile_cat:
why i like her: like @DisneyIzzy said, i love how kind she is, and her music. i also love all of the hints she makes, and the theories :female_detective:


Fact About Me: I crocheted my first project in 2017 but truly took up crocheting in 2020.

Facts About Taylor Swift: She dressed as Olaf once for a concert. She used her own family pictures as a montage for the Christmas Tree Farm music video.

Why I Love Taylor: Her music has always been there for me - her music is able to neutralise my anxiety like nothing else.


Hi i wanna join!!!

About me:
I’m a girl who crochets whenever i can. I listen to taylor swift, my favorite album is reputation.

Facts about taylor:

  1. She was in the movie Cats.
  2. She voiced Audrey the red hair girl from the Lorax.

Why i love taylor:
Her music is very fun to listen to and it comes in different styles. She’s very talented and pretty.



A fact about myself:

I crochet (obviously) and I have 2 cats! Their names are Edith and Trixie (my pfp is Trixie).

Two Facts about Tay:

  1. She was born in Pennsylvania and then raised in Tennessee.

  2. She adopted Benjamin Button off of the set of the ME! music video.

Why I love Tay:

She is such a genuine person with incredible lyrics and music to go along with them. Her music has really brought so much joy into my life c:


Fact about me: I actually have an obsession with the color orange.

Here are some about Taylor Swift:
Taylor wrote a 350-page novel when she was 12, which, so far, has never been published.
She is also extremely talented; she can play the guitar, piano, ukulele, electric guitar, and banjo! She is also a talented painter!

I love T-Swizzle because she genuinely cares about her fans, unlike other celebrities, and also because she loves cats and I do too!


I would love to join, a fact about me is that i coach gymnastics and absolutely love it and have the best kids and co-coaches

Some facts about Taylor is that she’s 34 y/o and she named the recording studio of folklore in her house the kitty committee studio because she couldnt close the door on her cats or they’d meow

And I love her bc she seems like such a genuine and kind person, and she’s an amazing singer that very quickly made me fall in love with her music and writing


hi so

fact about me: I like to crochet (duh), play piano, and guitar!

facts about Taylor (the queen): 1 - she used 20 different outfits in her blank space music video
2- she was accepted into Juilliard for piano (i think)

why I love Taylor: she’s such a nice person, makes all her own music (which is awesome) and has always been so humble <3

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Fact about me: I have a brother who is seven years younger than me

Facts about Tay Tay: She was 16 when she released the album Taylor Swift and she is the top two artist on the Spotify rn

Why I love Taylor: She writes very rwlaterable songs and she loves all her fans for real 🩷

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Myself: I collect pin badges because why not.

Tay facts:

  1. She has an E.P called ‘Beautiful Eyes’ which I feel like doesn’t get enough recognition.
  2. She has a net worth of $1.6 billion at the time of writing

I like her because she feels like a friend rather than a billion dollar singer, as if we are just talking about our feeling through music together.