I want to make some stuff with this non bi yarn I have, I have already started some bees but I want to make other stuff besides bees. What should I make have any ideas??
octopi :3
theres this one website i like with pattern mods that are cute! → Make a Crochet Pride Ghost (Free Crochet Pattern) — The Mary Jay
Make a Crochet Pride Turtle (Free Crochet Plushie Pattern) — The Mary Jay
(for some reason my brain is freaking out so if we’re not talking about non-binaryifying something then… oops heh)
Thanks i will make some! I am open to more ideas aswell
Where do you get it? I also have some pride yarn , it’s bi, and it’s Big Twist Living Anti-Pilling.
i was abt to ask what non bi yarn was bc i abbreviate nonbinary as nb/enby, lol… also when i saw bi, i thought of it as yk the sexual orientation
ANYWAY snakes!! either a normal one OR @HooksandloopsbySkye has a cool twisty pop-it one :D
Big twist anti-pilling “authentic” aka non bi yarn
Ooh, snakes! I love that!
Same lol​
Also, if you have long hair, you could make a bandana! There’s a ton of cute free patterns! That’s what I’m doing with my bi yarn .
@craftycellist should be releasing one soon, if she hasn’t already!! (i kinda forget, lol)
I have to get big twist yarns off of Amazon cause my nearest joanns stores are either closed or don’t have big twist yarns
So I’m sad about that
ohhh that makes more sense lol i was so confused
its not ribblr but i made this axolotl pattern and really like it → Free Axolotl Crochet Pattern - DIY Fluffies Amigurumi