Idk what to put here

I’m too scared to ask my parents for a binder and I made my own with some leggings I outgrew and I like it but I made the armholes too big so this might not work but are there any crochet patterns preferably free ones for binders…?


sorry idk :disappointed:


It’s all good


like a binder what are you talking about , i need more details
chest binder, paper binder?


Oh sorry chest binder


ok ill look, but dont be afraid to talk to your parents

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sorry all i could find were crochet tube tops and corset tops


It’s all good thanks

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I think if you made a corset like with straps that you can tighten a lot it might work


Hi VeeBees,

tl/dr take care of yourself, and be safe when binding! Here’s a link to an organization that can provide free binders. Free chest binders for trans folks who need them | Point of Pride

I’m sorry you can’t trust your parents to be supportive, but I’m glad you are able to reach out for support online. I hope you’ll soon be able to find friends/family you can trust who will support you. I know it’s hard now but try to remember it CAN get better if you gain independence later and are able to make your own decisions. Until then it’s good to keep yourself as safe and happy as you can. :transgender_flag:

First, please be safe when binding! If you can, get a copy of Trans Teen Survival Guide which is highly rated. If you can’t, here is a good post with some basic safety tips about binding. Binding: Maxwell's Guide - DIY Binders (Dos and Do-nots!) - Wattpad

As much as I love crochet I can’t recommend it for making a binder because of the bulk and texture that crochet fabric tends to add, and the natural stretchiness which wouldn’t give much compression unless it was so tight it would probably irritate your skin. :crying_cat_face:Stretch fabrics are much better for this application, and specially designed binders are so much safer.

A compression sports bra/binder would probably be the easiest thing to ask your parents for. Especially if you tell you’re more sympathetic parent that your chest/back is bothering you anytime you are active (make sure you do a few strenuous activities before asking so they aren’t suspicious if that’s a worry).
Here is a review blog of some of the more affordably priced bra / binders that you might be able to get away with asking your parents for, especially if you can show them a review that says they help with chest/back pain during activity. This blog also has a link to sports bra / binder exchange programs were you may be able to find one cheap or free, some of the links are still active.

If you or anyone you know needs emergency help, look for local trans and support resources or check out Trevor Project

Someone very close to me is trans though it was a hard journey spanning decades, they’re living a happy, fulfilling life as their true self. Hang in there!



For everyone saying “don’t be afraid to talk to parents,” please remember that every situation is different and MANY parents are not understanding or supportive. The risk of confiding in a parent can be too great if they might throw you out of the house or worse.
It’s ok to not come out to people until you’re ready, you have to put your own health and safety first.