I’m still somewhat on the struggle bus. I know what increasing stitches means. But applying it I’m having difficulty getting it to my crochet hook can someone point me in the direction so I can get it and starting making all these fun patterns I have saved??
Thank uou
increases in crochet are usually just making the exact same stitch a second time in the same hole
When you increase you put 2 stitches in the same stitch or space. If you’re having trouble getting into your stitches a second time, your stitches might be too tight. Try loosening your grip on the hook. Generally it helps releasing tension.
So above, let’s take round 4
Chain 2, in next stitch do one HDC, next stitch HDC, then next stitch do two SC,
Do above 7 more times
You should be back at the beginning of your round with 32 total stitches ( do not count Ch 2 unless pattern states otherwise).
Let me know if this helps.
unless you mean you have trouble with increasing when you shouldn’t
this usually happens at the start or rend of the round/row
so let’s say you have your row starting with a dc that does not count as a stitch, that stitch is only there to make a clean edge, When you get to the end, you stop in the top of the last stitch, and not the dc you made at the start of the previous row. If you did not add those “turning stitches”, you would have a wavy edge.
Adding them in the round is what gives you a level round instead of a spiral. You make a little step, go around, then when you come back to it you just slip stitch in the top and then make another step in the top of it, without it, you would have slanted rows in a spiral.
Sometimes terms are used for increases that can be confusing, but usually, poking your hook into the same hole you just worked in to repeat the same stitch you just made is what they are saying
Was this a free pattern?
very cool!
Depending on what kind of learner you are, visual guides on YouTube may help tremendously!
If it’s the stitches your having problems getting into (like its too tight to fit your hook) you can try going up a size, relaxing your grip on the tension, and not pulling the stitch tighter after you crochet a stitch.
I remember when I first started I struggled with pulling the stitch even tighter after I finished it (like I would pull my yarn even more taught). I practiced working on some of my tension issues by working the same yarn with different hook sizes, and practicing like 10 stitches back and forth until I found my “sweet spot”. However, sometimes merely changing your hook size up or down one size can help tension as well.