International Amigurumi Day 2024!

Happy International Amigurumi Day :two_hearts:! I don’t have any new projects to share yet.

I decided to share this Coraline Button Squid for today. How would you like it if I make a Button Squid Monster pattern soon :heart_eyes: :blue_heart:?! I have been really inspired by some people’s crochet monsters on Instagram. Also, this year is Coraline movie’s 15th anniversary of its release. This might be a cool thing for me to do since I’m inspired to crochet stuffed animals from movies.

I’ll see what design would look good for my new pattern soon. I’m currently busy with my online classes this semester.

Hope you have a wonderful day and wish me luck on my wisdom teeth removal on the 26th :tooth: :crossed_fingers:!


wow that looks amazing! happy international amigurumi day to you too!! I think that a pattern would be wonderful, i’ve actually never watched the full movie of Coraline, but I have seen snips. Wishing you luck!!! I’ve had 2 of my teeth pulled before while I was alive and it hurt pretty bad, hopefully won’t be too painful for you :blush: :blush:


Happy Amigurumi Day! that’s amazingg
also good luck for your teeth removal. never had one yet but will in the future :sob:

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happy amigurumi day! i didn’t know there was a day for it but thats cool. i’ve seen coraline and its scarred me for LIFE

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Happy amigurumi day!! I am a little behind on releasing this pattern (I wanted to do it today) but here it is…

I just need to take better pictures and maybe edit them on canva​:yellow_heart: