Is anyone else having this problem?

Iā€™ve been having this screen pop up when I click on someoneā€™s shop, or makes.



ahh I get that sometimes :sob: try reloading, or restarting ur device. or js use another device lolol


Happens soooo much and I just have to close and open the app lol


yeah it suckss


This happens to me constantly, I usually pull down on the top of the screen on my phone and it refreshes the page, or I close down the app and restart it.


Yes, multiple times a day. I even have it to where the app is not showing pictures that someone has posted itā€™ll just have a symbol showing one should be there. I always have to close out the app and open it again. Sometimes itā€™ll fix it other times it doesnā€™t fix it and I have to restart it several times before it works. I donā€™t know why it keeps happening but itā€™s been happening for several months now.

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Yup T-T

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Thanks for reporting! We need more information for our engineers.
This seem to be a bug on the iPhone app. Can you confirm if you all have iPhones and which one?

Also if you are not using the app but a browser please let us know.

A quick fix is to pull to refresh from the top or to close the app.

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I do have a iPhone.


I have an iPad mini 6th gen and ive been using the app. On my iPhone it doesnā€™t happen when I use the browser

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It also happens on my google pixel 3!

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This happens to me quite often. I usually restart the app and then when I try it again it usually works but itā€™s kind of a pain

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I use an IPhone 11

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I thought I was the only one! This has happened a few times on my iphone

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I have the same problem! I noticed it today, and Iā€™m on an iPhone 15. It does turn back to normal when you refresh it though.

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Happens at least every day- I have an iPhone too and have to restart the app (sometimes a few times in a row) to access pages which seem random

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Hi! Weā€™re deploying a fix tonight. Please test over the next few days and if you encounter it please take a screenshot and log the time and the actions you took so we can continue to tackle it. Hopefully it will be resolved!

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