Is this DID or is it apart of my BPD?

we have severe BPD and have different “Personality’s” That can take over any time our emotions are heightened.
For example-
The main personality is Ali, also what we call our caregiver. we don’t think we’re a DID system but idk if BPD people have different personality’s or if we do have DID? we’re too scared to tell our parents in fear that they’ll think we’re faking.


(pls don’t be mad for me asking, but what’s BPD? again, terribly sorry for asking :sob::sob:)

BPD is Borderline personality disorder

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Split is SUCH a good movie! I’ve watched it so many times!


it’s amazing!!!


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i would consider this bpd. i do not have it myself but multiple of my friends do. i can see how it could be mistaken for DID.


Split is an awful characterization of DID, please do not use it as reference.


just so you know, never recommend split/unbreakable/glass as ‘good DID rep’. I’m a psych major with an emphasis in abnormal psychology. those movies are such an ass representation of DID and incredibly harmful to the community. ask any person diagnosed with DID and they will tell you how awfully those movies have affected the world’s view of dissociative disorders. it’s an honest mistake you made, just please dont do it again.

moonknight is signifcantly better, but still borders on the ‘evil alter’ trope, something the split trilogy banks on, which is stigmatizing and shitty.

if you really want to know more ab the disorder @Cosmicvibes dm me. i’m neurodivergent and DID is a special interest of mine, as well as my best friend has the actual disorder.


oh no! no! sorry
i didnt mean that they should use that as a diagnosis
I just figured that it was relevant to the topic

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and thanks for giving your opinion on the topic
I am in no way whatsoever a doctor and it definitely puts my mind at ease having one reply

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Hi! I was just saying that I liked the movie Split, I already know it’s not what DID actually looks like


got it. i just wanted to let you know it’s awful DID rep and if you’re basing your diagnosis off it, then you don’t have DID.

relating to your original question, feeling like a different person while strongly experiencing emotions is a BPD trait. DID is more than just feeling like a different person at different times. that’s something many teenagers experience just due to puberty. if i were you i’d be very hesitant to tell others you have DID unless you were completely positive.

again, if you want help working this out my DMs are open. i am also able to ask any questions you have about the disorder to the people i know who have OSDD and DID.

obviously i’m not upset with you for liking split. like what you like haha

BPD is a trauma response, so part of your brain gets frozen at that age. I experience this too, but mine is not like a system, I experience what I call the angry child, the hurt teenager, then the current me, which is the most emotionally mature, but this is also me generalizing my trauma. Fun fact, BPD is the closest disorder to DID without being DID.