Say hello to Elizabeth (@SapphireLilyCreations)- our new Ribblr of the Week and the designer behind Lily’s Handcrafts
Tell us a little about yourself
Hi! My name is Elizabeth, and I’m a crochet designer from Australia. I’ve completed a bachelor’s degree in nursing, and I have a cute little schnauzer x poodle.
When did you start crafting and how?
I first really started crafting about six years ago. I happened across a crochet app full of free patterns, and thought it might be a fun hobby to try. I found some yarn, fished out a hook from an old knitting kit, and started crocheting!
And how did you start designing?
I began designing when my brother showed me a picture of a felt toy someone made online, of a Squiggoth from the game Warhammer. I thought “I could probably crochet that” so I found some reference photos of the original character, and created a plushie version for my brother.
Do you have a favorite craft type and if so - why?
Definitely crochet! I love how from just a piece of string I can create all sorts of wonderful things. When I’m designing it feels like I’m sculpting with yarn, and the mathematical and puzzle like aspects of crochet also appeal to me. I really enjoy Tunisian crochet as well.
What has been the most memorable project you worked on?
My most memorable project is a mushroom fairy, it was the first time I realized that I could physically create something that was an image in my mind. She was inspired by real mushrooms, and I even wrote a little backstory for her.
What are you currently working on? Be honest - how many WIP do you have right now?
At the moment I’m working on a no-sew turtle design, which includes a shell pattern without using embroidery. I also have a baby cardigan that I’m making for a nephew, as well as a Tunisian graphgan.
Which of your makes/designs are you most proud of?
The project I am proudest of is a cardigan that I made for my grandmother. It was the first clothing item I had ever designed myself, and a lot of frogging was involved as I learnt how to get the construction right. The lapel was especially painful, as it was mostly made from slip stitches and it took a very long time to finish. It was all worth it though, when my grandmother was thrilled with the finished cardigan.
What is your usual process of designing?
Usually I have an image in my mind that I sometimes write down a few notes about (like how I might construct a particular part of the design). Then I just start trying to sculpt that image, re-working and trying different things as needed (writing instructions as I go). If I’m creating something based on a real animal or item, I also look up a few photos for reference.
What inspires you to create/design?
I’m mostly inspired by things around me and nature. My first original design was inspired by seeing mushrooms growing wild, while I was out on a walk in a national park.
Any favorite song, book or movie you would like to recommend?
I’d recommend the novel of Howl’s Moving Castle. It’s quite different from the Studio Ghibli film, and well worth reading if you like fantasy.
What is your favorite feature on Ribblr?
I love the testing features. Before I found Ribblr, I used to really struggle to find people willing to test my patterns. It still amazes me that now I can post a call and people apply.
Who are some designers you would like to give a shoutout to?
Some of my favourite designers are @pkcrochetcraft and @CosmikEluminatedC . They’re great people and they have really nice patterns.
Thanks so much for being here this week Elizabeth, it’s a pleasure reading about you!
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