lets play a game! (fortunately, unfortunately)

unfortunately, the seams started to rip, making the dress fall apart

fortunately, she could sew

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unfortunately, she didnt have her sewing supplies with her

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fortunately, she found sew supplies in the art room

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unfortunately, a gym teacher came in and told her to get out before she could use it

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fortunately, her dad was friends with the gym teacher so he let her grab the sewing stuff


unfortunately all the sewing needles were misisng


fortunately, one of her friends had a swiss army knife

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unfortunately, her swiss army knife didnt have a sewing needle in it

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fortunately, she bent a paper clip to make a needle

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unfortunately, there was no way to thread the thread

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fortunately she just taped it on the needle and managed to sew it

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Unfortunately, the tape kept coming off

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fortunately, she finally got it

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unfortunately the tape fell off again!!!

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fortunately, she found super strong ducktape

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unfortunately, sew ran out of sewing thread!!!

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Fortunately, she had just enough to finish

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unfortunately, she did a really bad job

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Fortunately, it was a disco themed prom. so no one would see her dress

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