lets play a game! (fortunately, unfortunately)

unfortunately the disco ball broke so they had to turn the lights on

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Fortunately, they had a spare disco ball

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unfortunately a dude named kyle dropped it

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Fortunately, they had led lights

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unfortunately, they could still see her dress

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Fortunately, they were more concerned with getting Kyle out of the dance to even care

Unfortunately, Kyle started throwing chairs and hit one of her friends

Fortunately there was someone able to help and knew medical stuff.

unfortunately Kyle passed out

Fortunately, they brought him to a doctor and were free to parTay

unfortunately by that point prom was over

fortunately, she went to mc donalds with her bestiess afterwards

unfortunately, the icecream machine was broken

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fortunately they js wanted a burger and fries

unfortunately the fries were stale and the burgers were cold

Fortunately they brought more food from somewhere else

unfortunately, it was salad, and the girl didnt like salads

fortunately her crush brought her and her friends to a restaurant

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unfortunately it was closed

fortunately her crush asked her to be his girlfriend

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