Looking for a specific pattern

Hi everyone…I’m looking for a specific pattern and need some help. Years ago I found a magazine at my grandmother’s house and it contained a pattern for an afghan done with the afghan stitch (Tunisian crochet). At the time I was around 6 years old and I didn’t really understand what I was doing but I started working on it and way. Eventually I frogged it and made something else. However, now that I am older I would like to try again. The problem is I can’t remember what magazine it was in. All I can remember is that the pattern was an afghan ( now known as a graphgan) made using the afghan stitch ( as it said in the magazine, now known as Tunisian crochet), it was a flower pot filled with lots of colorful flowers, the pot was a tapered square pot, it was from somewhere between the 1960’s -1980’s, and it was in either a Woman’s Day magazine; Family Circle magazine; or Afghan magazine. It could have also been in another one form that time period as well but those are the brands I specifically remember. I have looked on the internet countless times for it but at this point unless I see the picture of the afghan in the magazine I’m not gonna know it I do remember that the picture in the magazine was in color and that the pattern started off in the middle and then you had to go to the back of the magazine for the rest of it. I’m just not sure what to do since I no longer have access to these magazines ( my uncle didn’t think they were important and threw them away. Needless to say I was very upset.) Anyway if anyone can help or if they could find it id really appreciate it. I really want to make this again.


Have you checked archive dot org. I was just having a look around and some of the magazines you mentioned are on there. Goodluck!


I tried going to the website you suggested but I am unable to find any magazine. It repeatedly tells me nothing matches my search any time I type in the correct filters. For that matter I couldn’t find any magazines at all. What did you type in to find magazines?


Ribblr wont met me add a link so I messaged you. I just used google and the family magazine archive and thats what came up. Although im not sure if theres more additions that you can view on that particular website.


I appreciate it I did check all the ones that were available but unfortunately I still didn’t see the pattern I was looking for :sweat: