Love this

And it’s perfect for today for me :woman_shrugging:t3:


Yes, I love this too.


Arghhh omg yes. When I talk about my carpal tunnel flaring up people are like “get well soon” or “it’ll be better if you rest”. No. The only thing that could make this go away is surgery, and that’s not even guaranteed to work :dizzy_face: The body chooses violence sometimes, that’s just how it goes. Not much can be done about it.


Those people- are well intended but stupid at the same time.
They don’t get it cuz their body or brain has never betrayed them,


I struggle with multiple chronic illness… My favorite is when I’m struggling with POTS and feeling like I’m going to (or do) pass out and I hear how I should go to the ER and they are praying it’ll stop soon… Ummm if I went every time I felt like I’d pass out, I’d never leave and they would get super annoyed since it’s not life threatening (this is not to say that passing out should be ignored by others, but I know the cause of mine and it’s not life threatening)… Also since I feel like this more than not, It’s not “stopping soon”


I can’t stress that enough!!


I have PCOS and everytime I talk to someone about what it entails they’re like “you should definitely go to the ER that’s not right” well all they’re gonna tell me to do is take ibuprofen. Not much use spending the day in the ER for that :grimacing:

Or, any health problem I potentially have, they like to blame on my anxiety. Fun times :stuck_out_tongue: I’m either “not doing enough” or “worried too much”


Yep! Invisible illness are the worst! And being dismissed, especially because I’m female, doesn’t help!


Oh here’s a fun one “nah you’re not depressed you’re just lazy” or “nah you don’t have the tism, everyone does that”. Oh yeah sure :sweat_smile:

I know it’s not always people’s fault, there’s just… a lot more work to be done, still! Hopefully any medical condition can get more understanding from people.


Invisible is the worst because no one believes you.

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