Hey I made these lil guys. I now sell them on my Etsy, but idk how to promote it bec no one ever sees my Etsy account lol

Hope u like them tho
They are so ADORABLE
Aww, there so cute!! did you use a pattern? If so do you mind linking it, there just too cute
They are soo cute! Can i have the pattern?
I actually created the pattern but have never released it because im always changing it and it’s honestly very iffy. if i ever make it complete and work out all the issues, ill share it ^^
I made the pattern, but may release it one day once it’s fixed
I needdddd this patternnnn
Okay! If you ever make a tester call can you tag me if you remember?
Awww so cute! I know how etsy is, but 100% recommend tedoo if you havent tried that app yet
are there as many drop shippers there as on etsy?
It might take a few months for your Etsy shop to become known but you can do this.
Your crochet ducks are so cute. Tell friends and family! Why do you want to sell them? Make deals like 2 for $1 less than if you sold one. We’re rooting for you.
I do not believe so. The set up there is a bit different. Its basically Michael’s version of instagram <3
Those are very cute
I hope you can have the pattern tested here and offer it (for sale) here. I would buy it.
omgggg these are so well made and adorable!! <3
These ducks are so stinking cute!!
Oh my gosh, those are the cutest things ever. What pattern did you use?
Could you link your Etsy?
a pattern I made myself. i haven’t released it yet however because the mallards still might be changed. My etsy is: https://amibyaddii.etsy.com