Materials section of Ribbuild

In addition to previous suggestions of adding standard yarn color choices and easier linking to yarns and colorways (at least on JoAnn’s inventory), I suggest making it possible to rearrange the rows in the materials section of Ribbuild. In the past it seemed Ribbuild would sometimes automatically reorder yarns in the correct order, but lately is does not do that.

I like to use the duplicate feature in my shop, but lately find myself having to delete all the yarns and reenter them on the correct order. Or if I switch the order of pattern sections I have to delete a yarn and reenter that and any after it.

As always thanks for considering my suggestions and working to make Ribblr even better!



Thanks for your suggestion! We’ll continue to monitor feedback on this topic :slight_smile:


Yes, this would be so helpful!
I was working on creating a pattern and I had originally put some items, like the hooks, filling, etc in before I remembered another color of yarn that was needed but I had to delete everything else to add the yarn in after the other colors so it would put the right color letter with it and be next to the other yarn colors needed.
I remember thinking it would be easier if there was an option to reorder them. Click and drag, or even a button option to “move up” or “move down” the list.
I was honestly surprised that there wasn’t an option for it, considering how intuitive the rest of ribbuild seems to be.


Yes. I noticed that as well I’m so glad someone else noticed this. Thank you :two_hearts:

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