You called me your friend
Your best friend
But you didn’t treat me like one
It’s hard to remember the good times
The bad just seem so much stronger
You laughed
I cried
You talked
I listened
You hurt
I forgave
Even now, after everything has passed,
I forgive you
You needed someone
I was there
I needed someone
You turned away
The insults hurt,
Though you were never direct
You were careful that way
But still, I could see the insults
You called me fat,
I let it go
You called me ugly,
I let it slide
Slowly, very slowly, I believed you
Am I fat?
Am I ugly?
No one will ever love me
You destroyed me
She will change
She will get better
I wanted to believe that
I was blind
You fed me lies
You told people I hated them
You told them I was the monster
You blamed everyone else for the things you did
You are the monster
I am hurt
I am angry
I discovered who you really are
You lied to me
You manipulated me
And yet, you wonder,
Why did I leave you?
I tried to help you
I wanted you to get better
I wanted you to change
I told you these things
Long before this point
Now, you act like the victim
“She’s the problem!” you say
I’m the problem?
You admitted you lie to me
You admitted you are jealous
You hate me
You have hated me
I loved you
You were my friend
So, I forgave you
Time and time again
The words, the lies, the hurt,
I let it wash away
But you didn’t stop
Even when I asked you to
So, I have to let you go
I can’t be hurt anymore
But the memories remind me
The pain springs afresh everyday
I hope it will wash away
Even though you hurt me,
Even though you never said you’re sorry,
I still have two things to say
Goodbye, my friend
I forgive you
That’s really deep
Thanks for sharing and I hope (if the poem is true) that you are better and will find a true friend who’s less toxic
Thank you.
This event happened rather recently (everything I wrote is true), and I’m still healing. It hurts, but I think this is for the best. We live, we learn. Life goes on. We have to move forward, even when it hurts. I just hope this poem helps people know that they are not alone.
I know how you feel. I’m currently trying to let go of an old friend who hasn’t treated me right. It’s really hard. Hang in there, and just remember that there are going to be people in your life that aren’t what you thought they were, but that doesn’t change who you are